Friday, April 9, 2010

What iThink about iPad

Apple has just released their newest product, the iPad.
The iPad has many apps, games, ebooks, movies and so on. You can listen to music, surf the web and take it with you anywhere. Sound familiar? It should. The iPad is nothing more than a huge iPod. I think it is an ineresting device, but it is not something I would spend money on.
Some negative points about the iPad are that it does not have a camera, a keyboard, a disc drive, or anything else you would find on a normal computer. You cannot buy apps and movies from just anywhere, you must buy them from the Apple store. And if the Apple store doesnt have it? Well, then your just S.O.L. There are some positive things about the iPad as well. It is very useful for reading books and watching movies. It is small and compact; you can take it virtually anywhere. It could potentially replace your home entertainment system, all your DVD's and VHS's and even your bookshelf. Not to mention your boardgames!
From an entertainment standpoint, the iPad is a great product. But if you're looking for something to write papers with, or do your homework, I would not recommend it. The iPad does have options though. For the low low price of $80.00 you can purchase iWork for your iPad! iWork is Apples version of Microsoft Word. Why would you want to pay $80.00 for something that comes standard on other computers? Basically, it all comes down to what you're looking for.

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